New to printable crafts? This popular hobby will surprise and delight you.
Read for printable crafts ideas and inspiration. You are welcome to use a sample paragraph or short abstract of my article on your site or blog, but must then link back to the full article on this page on Anni Arts for readers to follow.
Read for printable crafts ideas and inspiration. You are welcome to use a sample paragraph or short abstract of my article on your site or blog, but must then link back to the full article on this page on Anni Arts for readers to follow.
Why not use printable crafts for wedding items that are unique and personal.
Printable crafts for wedding stationery and favors is a fantastic and frugal choice for unique wedding items.
Every computer these days has a basic graphics program for easy customization of names and details. You can easily achieve a professional and personalized look on a tight budget.
By printing your own wedding items you can keep a coordinated look across many wedding events – from the first Save-the-Date cards to the last thank you notes. Try different sizes and color combinations tailored for a variety of events that would otherwise be far too costly to have printed commercially.
These can include
• Invitations to your bridesmaids, maid of honor, flowergirl, ringbearer and other members of the wedding party
• Save the date cards
• Pretty invitations with inserts
• Matching envelopes
• Reply cards and pre-addressed envelopes
• Pocket invitations
• Maps and directions to venues like rehearsals and the reception
• Accommodation information for out of town guests
• Welcome cards for your guests
• Menus
• Order of service printouts
• Thank you cards personalized for different people
The same goes for your table and reception items.
• Table numbers
• Seating information
• Place cards
• Personalized serviette rings
• Thank you favors can all be created from printable crafts
Some easy favor containers to print and make include:
• Cones for mints, almonds and chocolates or for rice, petals or confetti
• Boxes for wedding cake, cupcakes or muffins
• Pillow packs are dead easy to construct as containers for anything from hankies to bath pearls
• Seed type packets for real seeds of herbs or flowers, or bath salts or cocoa
• Chocolate wrappers for the easiest and most practical printable favor of all
• Heart packets with lollipops or chocolates to put on a plate
• Hanging baskets to hang over the back of chairs
• Little shopper-type bags for many different goodies like chocolates, almonds, coffee and cocoa
• Small envelopes for special tea bags or coffee pods
All can easily be customized with your wedding motif, colors and theme. Choose projects that are quick and easy to construct and do start well ahead of time.
Rope in family and friends if need be and you will have unique items in no time. You will be saving loads of money while effortlessly achieving a fabulous look with printable crafts.
Every computer these days has a basic graphics program for easy customization of names and details. You can easily achieve a professional and personalized look on a tight budget.
By printing your own wedding items you can keep a coordinated look across many wedding events – from the first Save-the-Date cards to the last thank you notes. Try different sizes and color combinations tailored for a variety of events that would otherwise be far too costly to have printed commercially.
These can include
• Invitations to your bridesmaids, maid of honor, flowergirl, ringbearer and other members of the wedding party
• Save the date cards
• Pretty invitations with inserts
• Matching envelopes
• Reply cards and pre-addressed envelopes
• Pocket invitations
• Maps and directions to venues like rehearsals and the reception
• Accommodation information for out of town guests
• Welcome cards for your guests
• Menus
• Order of service printouts
• Thank you cards personalized for different people
The same goes for your table and reception items.
• Table numbers
• Seating information
• Place cards
• Personalized serviette rings
• Thank you favors can all be created from printable crafts
Some easy favor containers to print and make include:
• Cones for mints, almonds and chocolates or for rice, petals or confetti
• Boxes for wedding cake, cupcakes or muffins
• Pillow packs are dead easy to construct as containers for anything from hankies to bath pearls
• Seed type packets for real seeds of herbs or flowers, or bath salts or cocoa
• Chocolate wrappers for the easiest and most practical printable favor of all
• Heart packets with lollipops or chocolates to put on a plate
• Hanging baskets to hang over the back of chairs
• Little shopper-type bags for many different goodies like chocolates, almonds, coffee and cocoa
• Small envelopes for special tea bags or coffee pods
All can easily be customized with your wedding motif, colors and theme. Choose projects that are quick and easy to construct and do start well ahead of time.
Rope in family and friends if need be and you will have unique items in no time. You will be saving loads of money while effortlessly achieving a fabulous look with printable crafts.
• Printable Crafts: A Popular Hobby
• Printable Crafts for Stationery
• Printable Crafts for Little Gifts
• Printable Crafts for Favours
• Printable Crafts for a Black and White Wedding
• Printable Crafts: A Popular Hobby
• Printable Crafts for Stationery
• Printable Crafts for Little Gifts
• Printable Crafts for Favours
• Printable Crafts for a Black and White Wedding
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Anni Arts has professionally designed and illustrated printable 3D paper crafts, handmade card designs and craft templates for crafters.
Items may be made to sell.
Items may be made to sell.